
Iskar Gorge

The Iskar Gorge is the place where the Iskar River passes through Stara Planina and the Fore Balkan and forms the longest (156 km) and the most majestic gorge in Bulgaria. The site is extremely interesting from a geological point of view, as the gorge is a cross section of the Stara Planina chain. In this way, information about the... Read More...

Skaklya waterfall, Zasele village

The Skaklya waterfall, named after the river of the same name, dropping its waters in the eastern part of Ponor Mountain, is about 120 meters tall. Its waters "jump" into three cascades, the highest of which reaches 85 meters. The water falling from such a height creates an incredibly beautiful view. In winter, the waterfall freezes and becomes one of... Read More...

Lakatnishki rocks, village of Gara Lakatnik, village of Milanovo

The majesty of the Iskar Gorge is indescribable. The victory of the river over the mountain in the millennial battle between them has left a mark in breathtaking sights, especially in the area of the village of Gara ​​Lakatnik. The 300-meter rock formations made of red triassic sandstone are actually the torn breast of the Balkans - a result of... Read More...

Elata cave, village of Zimevitsa

Only 123 m long, it holds a marvelous and majestic underground world. The opening starts with an 18-meter narrow vertical gap. The cave is densely filled with formations with indescribable forms - stalactites, stalagmites, sultry barriers, and other wonderful and marvelous anomalies. The stalagmites are all over, even on top of each other, giving a fantastic view of everything around.... Read More...

01-05 юни – Празници на Искърското дефиле 2017

По традиция в  "Празници на Искърското дефиле" участие взимат три общини- Своге, Мездра и Нови Искър. Тази година домакин на празниците е община Нови Искър. Мероприятията стартират на 1-ви юни и ще продължат до 5-ти юни. Началото ще постави отбелязването на най- милия сред празниците- международния ден на детето. На 1-ви юни в Манастира в село Доброславци, община Нови Искър... Read More...